Title: Cardinal Feather Inn Ledger (PAY YOUR SHLLINGS HERE) Post by: CarolinKazami on August 06, 2018, 09:20:16 pm Post your transferring of Shillings to Carolin here in exchange for staying at the Inn. You may wish to just edit a post to add further payment dates, rather than make a new post each time.
Payment due by Saturday of Each Week Title: Re: Cardinal Feather Inn Ledger (PAY YOUR SHLLINGS HERE) Post by: Crowley Graves on August 07, 2018, 01:27:56 am A note pushed under Carolin's door in the Inn's upper level
Good evening, Miss Argon. Please find enclosed my first months rent for my stay at your most excellent establishment, and a little extra for your most welcoming hospitality. Signed Crowley 6 shillings transferred |