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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Leanne Martin on August 07, 2018, 08:40:13 pm

Title: [Report to army Officers and the Baron]
Post by: Leanne Martin on August 07, 2018, 08:40:13 pm
Great Baron and Officers of Cove,

I have returned from Vesper and for filled my duty to spy on their numbers, their orcs, their special treats, their stances...

It was easy to fool Escaflowne Bearman. It didn't take me much effort to tell him what I needed to know...

Special Treat

The Vesperians hold a small number of hellish, giant cats, currently trained by Escaflowne (6) himself and one of the Westamans (2).


Their Stance

These foolish Vesperians have a soft spot for Kaldorians. You read that right, Kaldorians! They completely ignore the horrors they've brought over Cove and other lands, in fact, one of their barmaids looked oddly like a Kaldorian. Old Eason would turn in his grave if he'd be dead.


Their odds and inner tumults

Escaflowne himself believes that the Trading Company and Redguards would unite in case of a foreign invasion. However, he also told me that there are people among Vesper who disagree with his stances, especially on his stance to gargoyles and orcs. I can assure you that we greatly outnumber them tho.


Their view on non-Vesperians

They see us as backwards and clinging to old traditions. Little to they know that these traditions and this proud has made Cove so strong!


Orcs and Gargoyles

According to Escaflowne, they have currently one gargoyle and one orc in their army, and few citizens of each. According to him, they are well integrated. Bha! Like if!


Additional Info

Their navy outnumber ours... Greatly. Alone at the Swaggers inn, I saw four galleons, fully armed with cannons.

Furthermore, I saw two undead lurking around when I was taking my leave. They had been disguised tho and the Vesperians didn't notice. I followed them for a while. The Vesperians escorted them to the crossroad to Minoc, where they ignored any further advances on the undeads.


Leanne Melior, Officer Cadet

Title: Re: [Report to army Officers and the Baron]
Post by: Octiovus on August 09, 2018, 02:19:23 pm
The letter report was found buried at the bottom of the meeting room cheese platter.

The Baron takes up his quill and scribbles a reply.

Crush the Catbears and Gargoyle lovers!

*Signed with a flourish*

Octiovus Von Richter