Title: *~A Leaflet...~* Post by: Raiden Morana on August 08, 2018, 09:25:30 am *~A leaflet left around the barracks, tavern & inn... Nailed to trees throughout the shire, town gates & docks...~* The Covian Army ~ Sosaria's Finest Fighting Force! "Some talk of Arkay and Eason and such great names as these..." (https://image.ibb.co/hzefOz/cg9.jpg) Many a brave guardsman has served Cove with distinction and honour. Great names and heroic deeds abound but whilst countless lauded actions have been attributed to Grenadiers, Scouts, Highlanders, Dragoons, Marines and Arcanists over the years, countless heroic soldiers have served in the main body of the army too! Whether remaining in, or returning to the shadow and tan of the 'main block', names such as Eason, Arkay, Tiberius Kane, Gry, Grayner, Shadwell, Sanderson, Dell, Mithar and Morana echo through the halls, whenever deeds of daring and bravery are retold. (https://image.ibb.co/miCpGK/cg1.png) These names exemplify what it means to be a regular Guardsman in the Covian Army. Will you, the humble Recruit or Watchman add your name to these? Will you persevere? Will you do the grunt work upon which another Covian victory will be built? Will you cry 'Bronze and Green and Agapite be damned!' and serve in Covian Shadow Iron and Tan? (https://image.ibb.co/kjhvqe/cg10.png) What will you do..? |