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Element boards => Citizen Board => Topic started by: Linaeus on August 09, 2018, 01:33:06 am

Title: Border Barreling Bungled Badly
Post by: Linaeus on August 09, 2018, 01:33:06 am
My liege,

Having overheard my numerous aunts and uncles discussing the recent incorrect marking of the borders by Vesper, I took it upon myself to correct our neighbors' mistake. I have enclosed a sketch showing where the Vesperians misplaced their barrels, compared to where I helpfully relocated them. I hope I've not overstepped my bounds - it's just, the barrels were all over Covianshire, and I know the soldiers have been ordered to keep away from Vesper, so I figured it would be helpful if Vesper were clearly and accurately marked.

Your humble servant,
Sarah Keres


Title: Re: Border Barreling Bungled Badly
Post by: Hoagie on August 09, 2018, 04:03:04 pm
6 shillings awarded.