Title: Anari & Ahmed Recruiting Post by: Anari/Gareck Hallows on July 09, 2005, 06:17:34 pm Attending Millitia:
Ahmed, Junior Guardsman Anari, Junior Guardsman We wen' ter Bri'ain an' sough' ou' some new Members. There was one lad tha' we foun'. A' firs' 'e mistook us fer t' Yew Millitia. Bu' we explained some of t' ways we work an' thin's. (http://img285.imageshack.us/img285/8595/jointoday5gc.jpg) Anari shouting to the public... T' person we were talkin' ter was called Lord Dajho. (http://img285.imageshack.us/img285/4685/lorddajho7gs.jpg) Lord Dajho... I gave 'im a book scribed by a member of t' Baronship explainin' t' Baronry an' 'ow ter join. 'E accepted i' an' then Ahmed an' I lef' in search of new members. (http://img285.imageshack.us/img285/7881/passingbook5of.jpg) Anari passing the book... *Signed* Anari, Junior Guardsman, Covian Millitia |