Title: *~A Messenger Departs The Barracks...~* Post by: Raiden Morana on August 10, 2018, 08:47:28 am A messenger departs the barracks, her destination the Avatarian Church in both Cove and Yew.
Father, It is with great sadness that I enclose my findings with regard to the disappearance of my wife, Railen Morana, Watchman, Covian Army. *~A Report Stamped With The Seal Of The Covian Army~* (http://cove.sugeworld.com/forum/index.php?topic=16156.0) With Jarrett's and my own enquiries exhausted and the evidence contained herein, I hope the church will see fit to bless the future union between Rookie Waywatcher Aries Harper and myself. I am in the process of making arrangements for the casket containing my deceased wife's remains to be interred in the Covian graveyard, with honours. Respectfully yours, Raiden Morana, Captain, Covian Army. |