Title: [Report] Intruder Detected Post by: Linaeus on August 11, 2018, 07:30:37 pm [Copies of this letter are delivered to the desks of the Commander, and Captain, and a copy is stored in the Light Company headquarters.]
(https://i.imgur.com/ihUPi3O.png) Sirs, At the end of my guard shift in the cells this evening, I was witness to an incident that bears reporting. Hearing footsteps on the stairs, I sought the concealing cover of some nearby furniture. Within moments, a strange woman appeared in the room, followed shortly by Cadet Melior, who demanded that she identify herself and vacate the premises. I played a low note on my standard-issue flute to alert the Cadet to my presence, then readied my crossbow to provide covering fire if necessary. When the intruder failed to comply with orders, the Cadet readied an arrow, and the intruder drew a dagger and charged forward. I loosed a bolt, seriously wounding the assailant, and she fled upstairs. I quickly verified the Cadet's wellbeing, then alerted the guards loitering outside that a search of the building needed to be conducted, and all exits guarded. In this task, Junior Scout Eben Roichar performed admirably, and the intruder was quickly located. After a search, which revealed a poisoned dagger, the intruder was ejected from both the barracks and Covian territory at large via a moongate to a randomly selected remote location. We were unable to establish motive or identity - the suspect never spoke a word. Guardsmen involved: 1. Officer Cadet Leanne Melior, 2nd Light Company 2. Regular Scout Leith Keres, 2nd Light Company 3. Junior Scout Eben Roichar, 2nd Light Company 4. Junior Scout Garand, 2nd Light Company 5. Watchman Abel Nightroad, Core Division *Signed* Leith Keres, Regular Scout 2nd Light Infantry |