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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Saerandir on August 16, 2018, 10:05:56 pm

Title: Sentry led by Saerandir
Post by: Saerandir on August 16, 2018, 10:05:56 pm
Led By Saerandir

Attended by

Sergeant Kelly Sanderson
Junior Grenadier Avalyn Vale
Regular Scout Sergio Jarret
Rookie Waywatcher Aries Harper

It was late in the evening and a few of us were standing around so Sergeant Sanderson suggested I led a Sentry as it's expected of Juniors to be able to construct them and supervise others doing it.


I had a good team to build the sentry so it didn't take too long for it to come together as we chopped wood and raided the local wildlife for their hides. I have noticed there's been a drop in wildlife recently with the amount of sentries being constructed. Might need to bring in some more from elsewhere.


I remembered it needed to be three high but at least this time we had an actual door and I didn't have to stand in for one.


Once it was constructed stories were exchanged as is tradition of a sentry it seems and we kept watch of the Barracks long into the night.


Junior Guardsman Saerandir.

Title: Re: Sentry led by Saerandir
Post by: Raiden Morana on August 17, 2018, 06:56:16 am
A fine sentry indeed, Saerandir!


Raiden Morana, Captain.