Title: Smashin' orcs! Post by: Gwen Whitcomb on August 18, 2018, 03:14:01 pm When: 18th August 2018, afternoon
What: Killin' orcs and stealin' their coins Who:
So I had just been strollin' around near the barracks when I encountered Miss Tingleith. I introduced myself to her, and she did the same. However, she seemed very disturbed by me callin' her Ma'am. So I offered her to accompany me at the orc fort. As some may know, I clobbed' some orcs before I enlisted the army, so I still find myself often goin' there. With Miss Tingleith around, we cut and smashed our ways through the fort, findin' all kinds of different and weird things. Once arrivin' at the south, a huge and massive orc attacked us. However, after a few stabs and smashes to the kneecaps, it fell and very earth beneath us shook. Once we arrived at the pier, we went back to the entry, where we were expected by yet another three of these giant orcs. They must have been angry tha' we killed their friends, because they went straight towards us. However, we did not fail and thus, claimed another grand victory for Cove. Back at the barracks, Miss Tingleith kept her share of 10.000 coins, while I donated mine. (https://i.imgur.com/g0vn6v6.jpg) Watchman Tingleith and Recruit Whitcomb showin' orcs who's boss! Gwen Whitcomb, Guardsman Recruit |