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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Pickles on August 23, 2018, 04:53:41 am

Title: Apprentice Tasks: Hope Tyrell
Post by: Pickles on August 23, 2018, 04:53:41 am
Pickles sat at her desk, piles of scrolls, trinkets, reagents and dusty tomes tower nearly over her head. She licked her lips and dipped a quill into a slowly drying ink well, pulling a wrinkled piece of parchment in front of her, to a relatively clear spot in the desk. Months without any promising Arcanist hopefuls, and then, poof, all of the sudden, several viable candidates were pilling into the ranks. Hope Tyrell. Her newest Apprentice. She seemed promising. With work she would become quite the addition to the Squad.

My New Apprentice! Hope! I do hope you are in good health. I do apologize for my sloth in setting you some tasks to get done. But if we work hard together, we should be able to get you fast tracked toward your Arcanist Arms. Don't let me down!

Task One: Bolster the Ranks.
With War looming upon us, it is almost certain that our numbers will falter with casualties. To combat this gruesome realty, we need to redouble our recruitment efforts.  While it is not the most glorious of tasks, it is of dire need. We can't let let this war be lost to dwindling numbers, and fall into loss by attrition. Vesperians are known for their stubbornness.

(https://image.ibb.co/g4Oose/ting1.png) (https://imgbb.com/)

-Place at least Ten Recruitment Banners
-Prioritize areas were fresh, young faces may congregate. Luna, New Haven, Local Training or Hunting grounds. Be creative!
-Post a short report below.

Task Two: Secure the Border.
Again, with the tiresome duties, I know, I know. Not everything can be glory and valor. Though, you may find some if the Vesperians become to daring. For this task you must secure an area on our border with Vesper. We must be ever vigilant with our stance against the Red Menace. Not once inch of Covian soil may be permitted to be lost to those heathens.

(https://preview.ibb.co/hoCRdK/fullmap.png) (https://ibb.co/gmUiQz)

-Secure an area of our Border with a Sentry. Along the Road, in the Shire, near the Ruins, Along the coast, or against the mountainside. You may do multiple locations, if you have the numbers to split between locations.
-At least Two other Guardsmen must attend.
-Post a Report below.

Task Three: Wandering Wind.
There is an old Magical stronghold, hidden deep within the mountains, that goes by the name of Wind. It has long been a passage for all young mages to seek this place out and discover it's secrets. As the entrance is warded to stop the entrance to anyone without Arcane knowledge, it remains every vigilant and protected from those would would see to do us harm. Though parts of it have fallen to dark magics and decay. Seek out this once great city, cleanse it of foul magics, and study it's secrets.

(https://image.ibb.co/dOPYQz/625px_Wind_Dungeon_Entrance_Image.png) (https://imgbb.com/)

-Mount an Expedition to Wind. As only those gifted with magic may enter, it will be limited to you and other Arcanists.
-While you may do this alone, I suggest you take at least One other Arcanist or Arcanist hopeful with you. The caverns are home to creatures most foul.
-Post your report below.

Elizabeth "Pickles" Martin
Arcanist Corporal.

Title: Re: Apprentice Tasks: Hope Tyrell
Post by: Hope Tyrell on September 21, 2018, 04:42:57 am
Task Three: Wandering Wind

So I was outside at the barracks training with my brother Elliot, when this Joaquin fellow I met when he first joined, came up and asked me to come along with him to Wind. I realized Miss Pickles, my Mentor, Gave me the same task that Miss Ilyana gave to him! It was perfect! We set off to Wind to kick some Lichy and Daemon butt. I think we killed maybe 7 or 8 of the Lich thingies, and about 4 or 5 of the Daemons. Joaquin and I then went into the city, oh boy was it pretty! We found the libraries and more study halls. The bank had food set up everywhere, which was funny and I couldn't help but laugh, knowing Miss Ilyana would LOVE to have been here. Then we found a Reagent place and I found a bat wing, If i remember right from my Uncles teachings. Bat Wings are used primarily for Necromancy. I couldn't help but pick it up and flap it at my friend!

We returned back home to Cove in one solid piece, with more knowledge then when we left.

(https://preview.ibb.co/c08kNK/forum1.png) (https://ibb.co/eZS1we)

(https://preview.ibb.co/hrxO9z/forum2.png) (https://ibb.co/cabuGe)

*signed Neatly with little hearts*
Hope Tyrell, Guardsman Recruit

Title: Re: Apprentice Tasks: Hope Tyrell
Post by: Hope Tyrell on September 21, 2018, 05:55:10 am
Task One: Bolster the Ranks

Miss Pickles and I got together tonight, I was really upset I missed her wedding, and thought she would be mad, but she wasn't, and gave me a hug! We talked about my tasks she set for me, well she talked, I had to try to give her hand signs to what I wanted to say, but she understood! After handing her my report from Wind, we decided to go and place Banners together. Miss Pickles is a lot of fun, we went to Haven, to Moonglow, avoided Yew and Minoc and Trinsic, and all the other city gates to place banners, but I was still 2 short of the 10 that was needed to be placed!

So Miss Pickles took us to a shopping place and we set one there, and then one in a place where she said the rich snobby folk go to hang out. After completing the Banners I made a gate! which was exciting because its a tough piece of magic! But I ended up taking us to Haven somehow instead of back to the Barracks. So Miss Pickles took over and gated us home, or so I thought! She gated us into a place surrounded by water! I thought it was funny. I managed to make a gate home after that though!

(https://preview.ibb.co/ijU9zz/banners.png) (https://ibb.co/diZbez)

*signed Girly and with Hearts*
Hope Tyrell, Guardsman Recruit

Title: Re: Apprentice Tasks: Hope Tyrell
Post by: Hope Tyrell on September 21, 2018, 07:05:50 pm
Task Two: Secure the Border

In Attendance:
Hope Tyrell (Leading)
Mr. Marcus Kobra (Did the talking)
Mr. Keitaro Kazami (did the Snoozing)
Mr Joaquin Quincil (Did some drinking)

Today I was standing outside the Barracks, just waiting, when Mr Marcus came and it hit me. I have my sentry task left to do! So I showed him my last task and he immediately went to helping me with it. He rang the bell for more to show up and we decided the best place for a sentry would be the Ruins. Mr. Marcus informed them of what we were doing, and I motioned for us all to head straight there. Mr Marcus and I were cutting up some Trees to make the boxes, and Mr Keitaro and Mr, Joaquin went to get the hides. We built up the Sentry around the ruins and blocked up the holes. Mr. Keitaro became our door. A grenadoor? I played my harp for them until a Vesperian came about and teleported into the Sentry without having to go through Keitaro. I learned, that Sentries dont block out ones who do Magic.

Turns out it was just Mr. Marcus' lady, Miss Piper Vale. She was a funny lady. Then another came, his name was Mr. Justin. THEN! Another who was the Pizza Delivery guy. I didn't catch his name. But he makes good Pizza! We sat out in the Ruins for over a half hour, the Vesperians who came made it extra fun. Then we reported back to the Barracks where I dismissed them.

(https://preview.ibb.co/kPAbWe/sentryforum.png) (https://ibb.co/dpvocK)

*Signed Girly and with Hearts*
Hope Tyrell, Guardsman Recruit