Title: Dungeon patrolling Post by: Joaquin Quincil on August 24, 2018, 10:12:32 pm Tonight it were jus' me an the lovely Sergeant about so she decided ter take us on a bit of a dungeon crawl. First we headed to Despise for a bit of Ele bashin' just t'stretch our muscles a bit an' so she could gage how well I can perform. Seein' as we did so well as a team she decided we'd hit something a bit harder so headed to the Trogladyte cave near Trinsic. Things did get a bit tougher an' it nay helped with how fast these things were getting up after falling. In fact one time we 'ad ter retreat outside where the Sergeant helped me up an' then promptly shot me with an arrow an' then the pack horse went and got bit by a snake and everything went ter the dogs.
Bu' eventually we pulled our stuff together an' began ter make short work of them. In fact we killed that many our bags were bulging with stuff for the craftsmen and gold for the coffers so we had ter retreat home. (https://s20.postimg.cc/h3ebb6ykt/dungeon.jpg) *signed* Joaquin "Gutter Mage" Quincil |