Title: Report - Winter Is Coming Post by: Sheriam Palmer on August 27, 2018, 10:46:04 pm Attending:
Leanne Melior, Regular Scout and Leading Elizabeth Martin, Arcanist Corporal Hrothgar, Hardened Grenadier Keitaro Kazami, Regular Grenadier Sheriam Palmer, Junior Guardsman Chelly, Traitor Aureline Eroecia, Commoner Report [Written with a very shaky hand] Not long after the First Covian Hamsmaster finished, Scout Leanne put the call out for some 'special training'. I was the first to show up for the assembled line to find Leanne wearing just her kilt, shirt and a fashionable 'hat'. She immediately informed me that I was over dressed for such an occasion and ordered all armour off! This didn't seem too out of the ordinary until my boots were ordered off also, then things started going down hill. An older Grenadier called Hrothgar showed up also who I have not met before. He took the news of getting all his kit off better than I did so maybe this type of thing is normal in Cove and I'm just still learning. Leanne told us our destination - we were to attend cold weather training by hunting through Ice dungeon, wearing just our kilts and shirts. After all these Nujelm fights in the heat this would be quite the shock. We even dragged along a poor unsuspecting civilian with us. Corporal Pickles took us to Ice dungeon after some convincing, I think she shared some of my reservations. Once inside she suggested we stick to the path, as beyond that was most definitely very very very cold ice. At one point we found some huge pillars of ice just off the main path. Leanne immediately went over and hugged one of them, inviting us all to do the same. I think only the untrusted followed suit - the rest of us stayed on the relatively 'warm' path. (https://i.imgur.com/K7mv2Az.png) Following this we went deeper into the dungeon. We came across some white dragons which I had never seen before. We did manage to bring them down without armour although the untrusted took a blow to the head. Eventually we came to a bridge, before anyone said anything the untrusted jumped off into the cold, dark river. Thankfully for the rest of us Leanne only ordered we stick our feet in for a bit. I think if Miss Pickles hadn't been keeping us warm with her flame walls every now and then I would have not made it past this point. The final act involved rolling around in the snow, just incase we had warmed up too much after putting our feet in the freezing river. Thankfully then Miss Pickles put up another flame wall outside to dry us all off before bringing us back home. Regretfully I have been back in the infirmary an hour and I still cant feel my toes... (https://i.imgur.com/DtkJ3Dj.png) Around 11,000 gold was collected, all but the untrusted donated theirs to the coffers. Signed Junior Sheriam Palmer Title: Re: Report - Winter Is Coming Post by: Leanne Martin on August 28, 2018, 06:33:34 am Grand report, Palmer! Our next destination shall be the complete opposite!
Leanne Melior, Regular Scout *This counts as a training *1.400 donate by all but Chelly |