Title: Hunt: Ogres Post by: Ahmed on July 11, 2005, 03:09:03 pm At the start it was only myself and Morgoth, however two more eager recruits showed up at the barracks; Fenix and Gregory.
Starting off at the barracks, we headed off to the dungeon north of Britain; Despise. We ventured down to the third level, where the Ogres and Ogre Lords made camp. Bloodi' hell they were big, the Lords were distinguised by a sash decorated with what seemed like human skulls and symbols. A club in one hand, and a rock in the other. (http://img55.imageshack.us/img55/3386/ogre15ef.jpg) Well what did we have? We had a mage, an archer and two fencers. Which did it quite easily. Hearing Fenix casting from behind alongside Morgoth, firing away with his arrows screaming divine spells. Myself and Gregory at opposite sides, "lancing" so to speak the Lord, him with a kryss in hand and myself with my war fork, the Lord dropped in a matter of seconds. (http://img264.imageshack.us/img264/2777/ogre28di.jpg) More and more kept coming, but they were obviously no match for us Covians. This was indeed good training for our battle this night, against the blood thirsty Kaldorians from the North. Finding it all a tad too easy, we thought it would be a good idea to meet these Ogre Lords cousins in the dungeon Ice. These Arctic Ogre Lords deal much more damage to us Covians, but we deal an extra damage back to them. These beasts seemed like they've been down here for a bit, since they're skin had a blue tan and their sashes were frozen rock-solid. They didn't have a club in their hands like their cousins, instead they carried a duel-wield ball-on-chain mace. Swinging it around manically, they took a tad too long to hit us Covians. (http://img113.imageshack.us/img113/2096/ogre36yc.jpg) With exactly same tactic as before, they fell before us easily. They came from every direction, but they all failed. By the end of the hunt, we couldn't hold the loot that they were dropping so we were forced to retire. We collected well over thirty thousand crowns and happily donated it all to the Militia. (http://img55.imageshack.us/img55/152/ogre43bp.jpg) Guardsmen Attending: Ahmed Al Maktoum, Junior Grenadier (Leading shared) Morgoth, Watchman (Leading shared) Fenix, Guardsman Recruit Gregory Grayskye, Guardsman Recruit Ahmed Al Maktoum, Junior Grenadier Title: Re: Hunt: Ogres Post by: Morgoth on July 11, 2005, 05:23:18 pm It was an interesting hunt, we gained experience and collect gold for Militia.
I would like to say about excellent leadership of Junior Grenadier Ahmed Al Maktoum. Morgoth, Watchman Title: Re: Hunt: Ogres Post by: Ahmed on July 11, 2005, 06:16:57 pm *Grins* They all did very well, no injuries may I add!