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Element boards => The Church => Topic started by: Danaeyl on September 05, 2018, 11:13:08 pm

Title: Trial: Honour
Post by: Danaeyl on September 05, 2018, 11:13:08 pm


In accordance with the holy trials set by thee, I returned this eve to the Yewish Crypts. For while the Arisen do evade us broadly, I hath seen them attend this place for their nefarious purposes.


Upon forcing entry, I found the normally placid Undead unusually organised and focus. No doubt the work of a necromancer was afoot. Sure enough, I found fresh blood and bodies strewn about no doubt for the purposes of some foul ritual.


Though the creature did evade my pursuit for a time, the trail of bones and blood led to it.


It did warn of dark tidings. But I know that we shalt meet whatever terror they bring and put it to Justice. I sensed fear in its hissing, for it knows we wield His light.


Combat was joined, for there are no words to share with such things.


Through His grace, victory was held. The fiend defeated for now, but it shall return, as they always do.


I returned to the Cathedral to pray. I hereby conclude my report.

