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Element boards => Citizen Board => Topic started by: Crowley Graves on September 07, 2018, 12:57:48 pm

Title: Of Vials and Villains
Post by: Crowley Graves on September 07, 2018, 12:57:48 pm

Following the information I gained at the medical training regarding the uses of alchemy, and the Guards unsure of who may teach such in Cove, I went to the one place I felt sure one might find what they need, if they have the coin: Vesper Trading Company. Though the hour was late, I expected it to be full, and dangerous, yet only the barmaid was present. As luck would have it, though, she had the expertise I sought. Fortune favours those who seek it!


I sounded out the woman, who introduced herself as Sa'hera, to gain insight into her usefulness. Satisfied by her sincerity, I spoke of my needs and precarious social and legal situation in Cove.


Ready and able, she seemed most keen to show me the beginnings of the art, taking me into the forest to explain the identification of each herb and what it is used to make. Her knowledge was quite exhaustive. Truly my recent run of luck seems bottomless. I should push the boundaries a bit more in Cove while it lasts.


We were attacked in the forest by wild things. A large ogre almost crushed Sa'hera, but whilst its back was turned I was able to plunge a dagger into its back repeatedly till it fell. The medical training last night already came in useful - a good call.


In the end, she would not even accept payment for her services rendered! However, I should like to know more, and I have a suspicion the next lesson shall not be so generous. I wonder if she would take me on as her apprentice? It avoids the unseemliness of an advertisement in the Gazette. Certainly she seemed interested in meeting again, even offering to obtain me the basic equipment. I will broach the topic in time. I had heard that the Trading Company was full of rapscallions, but perhaps I just avoided them. I am not sure if I am relieved or disappointed, but I did get what I went for.

The entry ends

Title: Re: Of Vials and Villains
Post by: The Paymaster on September 07, 2018, 06:55:32 pm
5 Shillings awarded to Crowley Graves, may his endeavors prove fruitful.

Title: Re: Of Vials and Villains
Post by: Crowley Graves on September 09, 2018, 03:30:47 am
Another night in the North, another opportunity. The Guardsman Sergio mentioned over drinks that his Cousin was an alchemist, and I requested a meeting. It was very possible she was above board and not able to provide me with the lessons or materials I require, I could always eject the meeting if she was useless with no harm done.


He was true to his word and later that evening she approached me in the busy bar. A perfect opportunity to sound her out. As I suspected, his description of her as 'odd' was due to not understanding her true business or motivations. Such is the way of the honest and simple man. It was not difficult to ascertain that, with the right motivation, she could teach me what I wanted to know and supply what I needed.


We proceeded upstairs to my room where we were able to iron out the specifics more privately. Assured of her discretion, I feel optimistic about this. I would not want the specifics of my extra curricular activities to be well known. At this point, we have each other over the barrel. Who would believe the word of a random peasant over that of the Baron's household in any case? This employment has been everything I had hoped in providing a veneer of legitimacy and steady stream of profit. Though relying on the Baron's tight fist long term is certainly not an attractive prospect, for now, it is very desirable.


I was reassured of her discretion by her disavowal of her simpleton Cousin in her projects, and her quick reprisal on the matter. She provided some direction on where to take my brewing potential next, and agreed to meet me again when I was ready to learn how to concoct her more dangerous poisons.



I gave the woman a bit of coin for her initial efforts, in order to keep her wanting more and therefore her mouth shut. I don't think this is something to worry about, though. Indeed, this was not the only potentially mutually profitable arrangement made this eve. Though this one I ought to be far more cautious of, given her volatile nature. Such is often the way with such folk, and they are oft most amenable if paid right. Though in this case I do confess the danger involved does produce a certain thrill, and should therefore be treated with extra suspicion.


End of entry
OOC - I transfer three of my shillings to Sabina Jarret.

Title: Re: Of Vials and Villains
Post by: The Paymaster on September 11, 2018, 09:17:19 pm
Ten shillings awarded to Crowley Graves for his efforts and detailed report.