Title: Leanne's Heat Training Post by: Thomas Aylmer on September 08, 2018, 09:26:24 am Leading:
Leanne Melior, Regular Scout Attending: Raiden Morana, Captain Sheriam Palmer, Junior Guardsman Thomas Aylmer, Aralin Eroicia, Watchman Aureline Eroicia, Commoner The wise and sneaky Regular Scout Leanne Melior had noticed something wrong with the Covian guardsmen (and one commoner). Bunch of Sweaty Sallys, she said. Can't handle saunas. Face like a tomato when attempting to eat the mildest of chillis. Parading around shirtless in the dead of winter. What good is a Covian Guardsman (and one commoner) who is going to start sweating like a Minocian official in a Covian war room at the mildest hint of spice? NO GOOD AT ALL. And so she took the fine Covian Guardsmen (and one commoner) to the distant dungeon of Fire to show us what real heat looks like. The dungeon of fire is much like a regular dungeon, but much hotter. The walls are made of fire. Sometimes the floor is lava. The monsters are made of fire. The fire is made of... well, you get the idea. It's hot. It's too bleedin' 'ot. We made our way through the winding dungeon. By my count, we killed: * Hot cats * Hot dogs * Hot men * Hot fire And then it all went wrong. So so wrong. We approached a beast that my old mentor (in an unofficial sense) and friend would consider the most dangerous and vile of all. Two (beady) eyes. One (fiery) mane. Four (clompy) hooves. This beast most foul was indeed a horse. A hot horse. And it kicked poor old Sheriam right in the leg. A sound like that I can do without hearing again, I don't mind telling you. I think it might have also got her in the noggin, because as quick as the horse went down, she went down quicker, and she was out for the count. Despite my expert medical care, she was no longer fighting fit, and so we decided to retreat to chillier ground, and got her back to the barracks to be taken care of by our trained medical professionals. The takings for the eve totalled 23,448 gold pieces, which were donated by all but Aralin and Raiden, who took their shares of 3908 as is their unimpeachable right. Yours sincerely, Thomas Aylmer (https://i.imgur.com/UWaA3wD.png) |