Title: Stealing a ninja's manual Post by: Estelwen on September 08, 2018, 07:02:34 pm Today Sergio and I were talking about the roles of Scouts and I mentioned my interest in learning some of the methods ninjas use when attacking their foe. I saw these tactics first hand when I accompanied Commander Hoagie on his patrol to scalp the snow witch. He told me that if I wished to learn their ways then I would have to steal one of their manuals or at least take it from a dead one.
We set off to Isuma Jima and began following the path northwards protecting ourselves from the strange creatures we met along the way. The ninjai remained in the shadows probably watching our every movement as we progressed onwards. Eventually one attacked us as we stood talking thinking to take us unaware but we were swift in response and soon had it down where I was able to remove its manual. Sergio continued talking about the ways of Scouts as we returned home and I promised to study the manual well and take onboard what he had said to me. (https://preview.ibb.co/dVTqc9/manual.jpg) *signed* Guardsman Recruit Estelwen. |