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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Tingleith on September 09, 2018, 08:43:02 am

Title: Letter To Father Hugo
Post by: Tingleith on September 09, 2018, 08:43:02 am
*this letter is ooc unless your a member of the church*

Dear Father.
A time ago you tasked me with honing Squire Mordreds blade, so upon receiving the task i ventured to many dangerous locations with the young squire to show him where I once honed my skills in combat.

The squire was an absolute natural he did not fear nor tarry in his convictions when faced with evil, He unsheathed his blade and began to unleash righteous fury only after a short time into his training he began to seek out these monsters alone to further hone his blade.

Proof is in the pudding I say the young squire is now a fine swordsman and if my services are required again do not hesitate to request father.

Signed, Chelly Rothsmire