Title: Midnight Patrol Post by: Raiden Morana on September 10, 2018, 08:36:23 pm Leading:
Raiden Morana, Captain. Attended by: Raven, Regular Grenadier. Keitaro Kazami, Regular Grenadier. Sheriham Palmer, Junior Guardsman. Saerandir, Junior Guardsman. Chelly/Ting, Untrusted Keyholder To The Coffers. I roused some guardsmen from the tavern after closing and we headed out for a midnight raid of the orc fort and graveyard. We also stumbled upon a strange camp in the shire. Bandits, gypsies, undead or merely trappers? Who knew, just lots of skinned beasts and a questionable smelling pot on the boil. (https://i.imgur.com/PRVqUv2.png) All the guardsmen acquitted themselves well under difficult conditions. There were only minimal instances of friendly fire in the darkness and the Grenadiers present destroyed the orc docks and blew up the dodgy camp site in the woods. *signed* Raiden Morana, Captain. |