Title: Whiskey and Wrestling! Post by: Yukina Kazami on September 19, 2018, 03:44:50 am *Posters stuck all around Cove and surrounding cities*
COME ONE! COME ALL! When- 19 Sept. Time- 8:45 pm GMT Come out to the Memorial Square in Cove, located behind the Cardinal Inn! Where we will have all the Drinks your heart desires, and a friendly Wrestling Tournament hosted by your favorite Kazami Girls! Prizes will be given to the 3rd, 2nd, and 1st place winners! Will it be a Naked Wrestling Tourney? Or a Mud Wrestling one? Come by and find out! Entry will be upon arrival! ALL are Welcome to come and enjoy this event! Invite your friends from Vesper and our Allies in Yew! Hope to see you all there!!! |