Title: Fritz Segur Watchman Trial: Raking in the Recruits Post by: Sergio on September 23, 2018, 05:27:41 pm Led by:
Fritz Segur, Watchman In Attendance: Rook, Junior Guardsman Jeffery (Joachin Quincil) Giofe (Mordred Casseiul) We headed out to New Haven which was filled with rubbish and colorful horses as if someone had let them roll around in dyes. The place didn't look like it was going to yield much And I was Hesitant to stay. The populace began to take a liking to us when we brought out the Alcohol. We quickly ran out of flyers and may have even garnered some interest. The Town however was not safe, Zombie hordes began attacking the Town And Being We are cove, We set upon dispatching them even though we'd left our armor at home. We showed the locals Some of our techniques, Covian Drinking, The Covian Group Jostle, and The Covian Boo. We Came, We Saw, We Jostled and Orc. (http://oi66.tinypic.com/33vc9s7.jpg) Overall I think it was successful, even if we didn't get a recruit we showed Covian Superiority. (Special thanks to Mordred, His pitches were hilarious and I unfortuantely only got a screen shot of one of them) *Signed* Fritz Segur, Watchman Title: Re: Fritz Segur Watchman Trial: Raking in the Recruits Post by: Raiden Morana on September 24, 2018, 07:37:09 am Good work men!
We need more meat fer the grinder! *signed* Raiden Morana, Captain. |