Title: 30th September, 9pm GMT - Martin-Meliors Mischievous Monstermash Post by: Leanne Martin on September 24, 2018, 03:44:03 pm "Hey hun, did I tell ye wha' I found when I took a detour with the gang last time?" "You mean when you got lost?" "Scouts don't get lost! We take detours! Anyway, I found some ol' arse tree roots blockin' the way to a cave!" "That sounds like fun! We should check it out. But don't get lost again." "Detour!" Martin-Meliors Mischievous Monstermash (http://www.uoguide.com/images/e/e5/LadyMel1.png) Men! Right after parade, we'll check out this cave near Shame, called the Blighted Grove. Apparently the air and water inside is toxic, so be prepared to fight a lot of nasty monsters! Bring plenty of bandages and everything else you need to fight! Leanne Martin-Melior Title: Re: 30th September, 9pm GMT - Martin-Meliors Mischievous Monstermash Post by: Leanne Martin on September 30, 2018, 03:55:29 am *bump*