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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Raiden Morana on September 24, 2018, 08:27:47 pm

Title: Morana's Monday Mayhem!
Post by: Raiden Morana on September 24, 2018, 08:27:47 pm
Led by:

Raiden Morana, Captain.

Attended by:

Leanne Melior, Regular Scout.
Sheriham Palmer, Junior Guardsman.
Fritz Segur, Junior Guardsman.

Mordred Casseiul, Squire.

With few guardsmen around when I began my shift, I headed out to lay banners in New Haven, Luna and a few other places and when Segur and Palmer appeared, I sent the latter to place banners at a few more places too. We then headed ter Tokuno to patrol one of the Covian concerns there.


We were set upon by elementals warriors, wytches and beasts, their trail leading to the Yomotsu mines, so we made our way inside and cleared the place of the foulness there. The Squire was in his element and the entire expedition worked well, none of us fell despite a hardened and numerous foe.

Having fought our way to the very depths of the mines, we double timed it back to the entrance and made our way back to Cove with our packs full of loot. I saw to it that the Squire had 5000 coins fer the church in gratitude fer his service and Melior and Palmer both donated their share to the coffers, as did I. 20,000 coins all told.


Raiden Morana, Captain.