Title: *A letter sent to Gregor Eason* Post by: Leanne Martin on December 05, 2018, 06:05:36 am Dear Senior Eason
It has been not longer than twelve hours since the tragic loss. Sleep will not have been granted to most and I still lack the words to express my sadness of his demise. Instead, I want you to know what kind of man your grandson Serj was... He was couragous, never backing down to a foe no matter how much in disadvantage he was. He was humble, to always keep his rank in mind over his friendship, even though he was told several times not to. He was honest, to always speak his mind freely, regardless what others thought of him. He was compassionate, when he returned to save me from my wet grave in Nujelm Bay while others already declared me dead. He was just, though even he had his personal disputes and believes, he never judged me even though I was judged by others. He was honourable, as he always kept his family name up all the time and honoured Cove above all else. He was sacrificial, as he'd always protect others even if it would cost him his own life. He was spiritual, not just by following the Avatarian church, but because he understood the principles of Love, Courage and Truth. Serj Eason was more than just a comrade and a friend to me. But he will always be remembered deeply in our hearts. If you will ever need anything, I will do my all to aid you. *teardrops are seen all over the letter* Ilyana Drachen, Senior Arcanist Title: Re: *A letter sent to Gregor Eason* Post by: Gregor Eason on December 08, 2018, 10:57:35 pm Dear Senior Drachen,
Thank you for your letter. I will be sure to pass on your kind words to Serj's mother when I see her. Stay strong, Gregor |