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In Character Boards => Old Events => Topic started by: Calico on July 16, 2005, 03:37:40 pm

Title: Guild Hunt: Wednesday 20th, 20:00
Post by: Calico on July 16, 2005, 03:37:40 pm
When: Wednesday July 20th at 8:00pm, GMT
Where: Meeting at the Barracks, to set out on a tentative exploration of The Ankh Dungeon.  Rumors have it that some foul monsters have taken up residence in this once holy place.  Depending on our numbers this might just be a prelemanary scouting mission or an all out purifacation of the underground scantuary.
What to Bring: Be wearing battle ready armor, bring your favroite sword, extra bandages and arrows.

Please note guild hunt attendance is a part of most promotion requirements.

*signed neatly*
Calico Kate

Title: Re: Guild Hunt: Wednesday 20th, 20:00
Post by: Nashiem De'Monti on July 18, 2005, 01:18:05 am
[OOC: Just for those who wear or carry valuables over and above just GM shadow armour etc... it might be an idea NOT to bring it. Altho i Have great faith in the militia ... those without hiding and stealth may find it hard hiding from a Lich Lord paragon or Rotten Corpse paragon.]

Title: Re: Guild Hunt: Wednesday 20th, 20:00
Post by: Dasnord on July 21, 2005, 01:39:37 pm
Ain' no one gona write a report of this

Title: Re: Guild Hunt: Wednesday 20th, 20:00
Post by: Calico on July 22, 2005, 02:40:41 am
I did a report, I alwayes do it the day of or the day after a hunt I lead unless some one else on the trips wants to.