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In Character Boards => Character Profiles => Topic started by: Dasnord on July 20, 2005, 03:06:55 pm

Title: Das'nord reck
Post by: Dasnord on July 20, 2005, 03:06:55 pm
Name: Das'nord reck
Age: unknown (some where in the hundreds)
Hieght: 5'6''
Race: Mage
profesion: Mage


Das'nord was born in a small village on the outskirts of maginser to a familly of mages. He was brought up learning the arcane arts and making his peace with the worlds magic. When he reach 100 he went in serch for greater knowledge and wizdom. He spent many years learning from around the world till he desided to join the baroons malitia. This joice was made after he and a freind were attacked by a party of drows. His friend died so Das'nord desided to jion the people who's coals led to the finall destruction of the drows.

Personality: Hates sarcasm and rudness
                    Disslikes impations and disrespect
                    enjoys peace
