Title: Junior Course Roster (Report) Post by: Joey Lanai on July 20, 2005, 10:58:58 pm Junior Course
As planned, the Junior Course was to go ahead and two eager looking Juniors were quick to get this over with, let the Course begin ! Stage 1, Combat As potential Regular Guardsmen they would have to be ready for any foe, so they were set the task of keeping eachother alive while attacking me at the same time, they managed to keep eachother on their toes while i threw spells at them, after a few minutes i called a cease, they were worthy foes ! Stage 2, Physical Again, as potential Stable belt owners, they'll need to be able to keep up with the young Recruits when leading them in drilling and Recruit Cadre's so we began a long running march through the shire of Cove. We ran all the way to the Mt. Covetous, and reached the slope, an excelent training possition they were set the task of running up and touching the top ten times in a row. (http://premium1.uploadit.org/searlejr//junior1.JPG) Arc Motivates the troops Stage 3, Healing under pressure The Final stage of their training was to test the limits of their healing ability, they were set against a full range of monsters and had to keep eachother up and on their feet. These monsters included; - an Ice Fiend - an Orc Brute - the fire pair of Demons - a Blood elemental After defeating each of these extraordinary foes, they're trainnig was complete, they had proven themselves worthy in combat and in physique and it was time to head home. (http://premium1.uploadit.org/searlejr//Junior-3.JPG) ------------------------------- Junior Course Attendance Calico Kate, Junior Scout Kal Shadowhand, Junior Scout ------------------------------- *Signed* - Arc, Arcane Sergeant |