Title: Where have I been? Post by: Daelin on July 22, 2005, 02:58:23 pm Okay then… Well I’ve been gone for a week without so much of a note so some of you are probably wondering where I have gone too.
Well… For the last week I’ve been staying in the hospital since I got knocked off my feet by a drunk driver a week ago. Anyway I broke two ribs and got a concussion but other then that I’m doing pretty good.. They gave me some excellent painkillers so I don’t really have to worry about that most of the time except that they kinda make me dizzy. But good news is that I’m back and I’ll try to get right back into the action as well. :) Hope to see you all soon again! Title: Re: Where have I been? Post by: Gregor Eason on July 22, 2005, 03:16:01 pm Glad to hear you're alright matey.
Damn, was wondering what had happened to ye! Title: Re: Where have I been? Post by: Jessica Fortus on July 22, 2005, 03:59:51 pm Omg sucks - are the police pwning said drunk driver? They should :P...
Though I'd stay away from UO while you're still on strong painkillers...playing UO while stoned to the ground can only lead to hilarity (for others) and embarressment (to yourself) Title: Re: Where have I been? Post by: Octiovus on July 22, 2005, 04:11:17 pm Yeah, sorry about running you over! :D
But seriously though, good to have you back mon! Title: Re: Where have I been? Post by: Daelin on July 22, 2005, 04:50:54 pm Well... I seem to be doing pretty well to the painkillers... I'm a little dizzy and I see spots sometimes and such.. But hardly any pain at all! \o/
I've tried a little UO again today and it seemed to be going pretty good.. Even though I'm not quite sure what I'm doing at times. ??? So as long as the doc's ain't telling me to stop playing UO their not getting me off this computer. :P Title: Re: Where have I been? Post by: Dellamona on July 22, 2005, 05:55:16 pm Aww hunny im so glad your okay hun!!
I hope they kick the dumb ass driver in the mummy daddy button for hurting you!! Title: Re: Where have I been? Post by: Shadwell on July 22, 2005, 08:07:37 pm Yarr ye keep make us worry about you!
Well if ye need to exchange painkiller stories just icq me ^^ I've tried them all! Title: Re: Where have I been? Post by: Ahmed on July 23, 2005, 01:07:06 pm Quote from: Octi-o-bus Yeah, sorry about running you over! I got his ribs with my door :P Glad your back, now i'll get back soon to wtfpwn j00 :P Title: Re: Where have I been? Post by: Gimbly on July 25, 2005, 09:47:03 am Ohooo my godness :o
Hope you are fine m8 (as fine as someone can be after such "assasination") |