Title: Pilgrimage to the Justice Shrine Post by: Drachir on July 27, 2005, 01:44:30 am Pilgrimage to the Justice Shrine
As the mass in the Church of Cove ended, and all the sinners piled out of the church one by one, Commander Gregor Eason decided to repent his sins by taking Sir HUGO'S advice and took some of the other sinners on a pilgrimage to the Justice Shrine. (http://sugeworld.com/eason/pilgrimage2.jpg) We all knew that it was going to be a long, hard and dangerous journey, especially when we decided not to use weapons, the moongate or our shoes.Sentinel Benoit speaks a prayer before the Pilgrimage begins. The journey started off fine, we all knew that the Avatar was looking down at us in a positive way. As we hit the road, a man dressed in black with a strange mask on appeared out of nowhere, he mocked us many a time. "The militia lost there boots!? Hah!" He mocked. "We are on a pilgrimage please leave us be!" Commander Gregor argued! We thought this got rid of him for he disappeared in a arrangement of robe, cloak and clowds. However, we were mistaken for he kept annoying us every step of the way. No matter, we decided, for we ignored him, and carried on, getting blisters on our feet and getting enlightened in our minds. (http://sugeworld.com/eason/pilgrimage3.jpg) The Pilgrimage encounters brigands! (http://sugeworld.com/eason/pilgrimage4.jpg) We had been walking for quite some time now and our feet were hurting alot, but we knew that it would be worth our while, for we would have the Avatar on our side onces we had reached Justice.A rogue appears... (http://sugeworld.com/eason/pilgrimage5.jpg) "We mus' go through the wilderness now lads, stay on your guard." Commander Gregor warned. As we did not have weapons, we had to have all eyes on our surroundings. At first, we were doing fine, we only had another 10 minutes walk until we reached Justice. But! We were ambushed by some sinister creatures, they looked like giant red ants! We did not know what to do! So we just attacked as much as we could. A few of us got knocked, but thanks to Watchman Baraz's magery skills, we were saved.Eason hurts his toe! (http://sugeworld.com/eason/pilgrimage6.jpg) We were close! We could all smell the sweat smell of repent! We could see the huge statues that guarded the entrance to the shrine up ahead, we had finally reached it! We had reached our destination and we were able to return safely...or so we thought...The Pilgrimage is ambushed! As we turned left into the shrine, we saw a mysterious woman standing next to the ankhe at the far end of the shrine, next to her was a daemon. (http://sugeworld.com/eason/pilgrimage7.jpg) "Go my beast! kill them!" she said. The beast attacked us, but was easily taken down, but we still had the wytch to knock. She was hard, but in the end we beat her! Victory was ours!The Shrine is desecrated!! And Evil is present! Once we had all caught our breath back and were all ready to return home, the robed man appeared behind the sentinel. "Nobody move, or the churchy gets gutted." The robed man threatened. At first, we decided to go with his threats, and give the money he requested. But, stupidly, a watchman decided to stealth behind the robed man and attack him! A few of us also decided to attack, but in doing so, the sentinel was knocked, and also poisoned. the robed man was taken down, but escaped before we could arrest him. (http://sugeworld.com/eason/pilgrimage9.jpg) After seeing what was wrong with the sentinel, we decided to take a gate, made by watchman Baraz, back to the Barracks to get the sentinel looked at.The rogue takes Sentinel Benoit captive! (http://sugeworld.com/eason/pilgrimage10.jpg) Our pilgrimage was finished, Commander Gregor no longer needed to be fearful of the church, I, watchman Drachir no longer had to feel guilty about eating a bench, and the rest...could just feel glad that they completed there first ever pilgrimage for the Church of Cove!The poisoned Sentinel is immediately returned to Cove. (http://sugeworld.com/eason/pilgrimage11.jpg) Mayoress Ysabelle, an expert healer, sees to the ill fated Sentinel. (http://sugeworld.com/eason/pilgrimage12.jpg) Eason gets bollocked. (http://sugeworld.com/eason/pilgrimage13.jpg) Eason remains by the Sentinel's side. Title: Re: Pilgrimage to the Justice Shrine Post by: Gregor Eason on July 27, 2005, 05:22:57 am Gah. It was a most dreadful eve...
(OOC: But badass fun ;) Good report) Commander Eason, Cove Militia & Baronship Council Title: Re: Pilgrimage to the Justice Shrine Post by: Baraz on July 27, 2005, 11:43:20 am but thanks to Watchman Baraz's magery skills, we were saved.
i like it!! excellent pictures. really captured the main points. brilliant report! Watchman Baraz Title: Re: Pilgrimage to the Justice Shrine Post by: Joey Lanai on July 27, 2005, 01:30:11 pm *a hooded man walks up to the board, takes a quick glance around then pins a small note over the report*
"Yes, Guardies playing hero? Now you know price, I will be watching !" *a doodle of rabbit ears are drawn here* Title: Re: Pilgrimage to the Justice Shrine Post by: Cor Ari Ta on July 29, 2005, 04:05:52 pm Awlroit ye bloodi Bastard ye wan' ta play loik tha' well remember tha' I will be watchen as well, Yer skill be jess loik mine wit a few differences.
*Signed* Watchman: Cor'Ari Ta (http://img241.imageshack.us/img241/9471/corarita5wq.jpg) |