Title: Attack on the orc fort(report) Post by: Corliss on July 27, 2005, 05:13:51 pm Robert Fripp, Baraz and my self Corliss went on a mission to slay some orcish fellos. as we progressed through this task on slaying the orcs they seemed to be coming at us in all directions but we held our ground bravley, Robert and myself er knocked out at one point but even still the onslot of the horrid creatures came to a halt. The finaly at the docks we came across a orc BRUTE! but we sorted him out teaching that orc not to mess with the BoC
(http://img49.imageshack.us/img49/9039/orcbruit0qn.jpg)[/img] Also we raised about 12,000crown towards the church. NOTE: Other Person in guild Corliss and flanders r my people |