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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Drachir on July 27, 2005, 08:45:57 pm

Title: Training session and Hunt to Shame
Post by: Drachir on July 27, 2005, 08:45:57 pm
            "Right! Today we will be learning a my least favourite, but the most important technique in group battles and warfare! Formations!" Althalaus started as he rounded up all the willing participants. We all spilled into the arena, ready for the training...

Leading: Althalus, Scout Sergeant, Light Company
Group: Recruit Garand
           Watchman Drachir
           Watchman Talon
           Watchman Cor'ari Ta
           Recruit Corliss
           Recruit Fenix
           [note:these were the members that were there for the whole time, there were others that only stayed for a little while, then left]

...as the training session, we all nipped in through a portal, and found ourselves outside Shame. At first, the atmosphere of the group was that everything was going swimmingly, but, as we got deeper and deeper into the depth of Shame, we realised thato ur foes were getting more and more eager to destroy us. Luckily this did not happen, but along the way, some of us did get knocked, but in all we did well.
As we got back to the barracks, Sergeant Althalus gave us one last boost by exclaiming,
"And for all of you who are interested in joining the Light Company, sign up on the recruitment board ye' fools! *grins*"

(http://img234.imageshack.us/img234/2576/bloodele21jf.jpg) (http://imageshack.us)

Title: Re: Training session and Hunt to Shame
Post by: Althalus on July 27, 2005, 08:52:17 pm
A good report .... if a little brief, try ro include more detail in futer like what ye actually learned in me training.  Otherwise i might think ye slept through it and set ye to run laps to keep ye alert!

Title: Re: Training session and Hunt to Shame
Post by: Drachir on July 27, 2005, 08:55:31 pm
Cheers, ill remember that in future, but I was in the Brigand team...I forge' everythin'!