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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Izzy on July 28, 2005, 12:06:30 pm

Title: New Citizens Read This!
Post by: Izzy on July 28, 2005, 12:06:30 pm
As our board is less than alive, I'd like to ask all new citizens (and any old ones that want to) to write a short post, introducing yourselves, what your skills and ambitions are, the things you'd like to find in Cove and really, anything and everything to let us get to know you!

Title: Re: New Citizens Read This!
Post by: Cassius Livius on July 28, 2005, 02:55:41 pm
Hail, Im Orphrus, Im an Elven Crafter born in Minoc where my farther ran the miners guild and my mother working in the tanners, thats where i picked up my mining and sewing skills i learned from  a young age and now im out working for my self no longer in Minoc but in Cove, along with my new found black smithing and carpentry skills i am more than happy to help in Cove doing any little jobs around the place, my ambitions are too one day run a armours guild in cove as i take pride at seing the Covian Militia in the fine armour i have made and would also like to go down in history for helping to build the great covian road.

Title: Re: New Citizens Read This!
Post by: Izzy on July 28, 2005, 02:58:46 pm
Excellent start! Who's next?

Title: Re: New Citizens Read This!
Post by: Banedon on July 28, 2005, 09:38:56 pm
Gallyn here, a Human Musician from Britain.

Sadly, due to my nocturnal activites with a few of the Britain's Wives, I have found myself moving around a lot, often with a posse of guardsmen in pursuit.
I have recently begun a contract of employment in the Cove Tavern, supplying ales and spirits to the Local Guardsman there, as well as playing songs on request.

Perhaps in time, I might settle down and find myself a fine wife, and start a fine business of my own, as opposed to finding someone elses fine wife, and working for someone else..

Only time will tell.

Title: Re: New Citizens Read This!
Post by: Dasnord on August 05, 2005, 09:22:13 am
Hello my name is Senech Arevan. Im a 29 year old human and i am a horse breeder in cove. My ambition is to breed a new breed of stallion which is capeable of use in battles. I was born in yew forest were i learned how to care for horses and other like animals.

Title: Re: New Citizens Read This!
Post by: Izzy on August 06, 2005, 04:49:40 pm
Ahh! An animal lover, I will have to talk to you sometime! Share Forest stories and the like! Well done people, keep it up!

Title: Re: New Citizens Read This!
Post by: Jevonia on August 11, 2005, 01:34:19 pm
Greetings!  'Meh name is Levon, and i 'ave just joined yer fine City of Cove. Although i may look like a mere peasant right now, i plan on sharpening meh skills in the arts so that i can craft the finest of wares.  After that i plan on just sittin back and countin  meh gold everyday!
I've already set up shop with Banedon and Draco, who were so kind as to give meh a room in their shop! And a fine shop it 'tis-  a waterfront property located on the southern coastline of Cove. We 'ave hired Covian guards who sell our wares and stand guard 24 hours a day,  so come check us out.

 *Counts his gold and laughs histerically*,

                                 ^^live long and prosper^^

Title: Re: New Citizens Read This!
Post by: Izzy on August 11, 2005, 03:49:05 pm
Oooh, seems we're getting a full trade house at this rate!

Title: Re: New Citizens Read This!
Post by: Avery Lyndon on August 12, 2005, 11:43:06 am
Tha' name's Lyndon, Avery Lyndon. An' tha' moment I be jus' yer standard labourer an' what not. I also be doin' a bit o' construction an' engineerin' work ba' nothin' special.
Already done a few t'ings ter further tha' City o' Cove.

In ye absence ma'am, I led tha' Covians to tha' Covetous Mountains ter collect more o' tha' Ore. An' then I also took tha' oppotoonity ter do some farmin' wit' some o' tha' City folk too!

I aspire ter one day 'ave meh own Business!

*signed sloppily*
Avery Lyndon,
Peasant's Union

Title: Re: New Citizens Read This!
Post by: Drachir on August 17, 2005, 12:05:46 pm
*Quiddle hops up to board, reads down the list, grabs a stool to stand on and starts to write*

Quiddle here. Im NOT a goblin, im but a hummble Halfling, proud to be part of the Covian citizenship.

I mostly get my kicks out of picking locks and tinkering with things, if you've got any chests that need opening, im your man...or halfling *giggles*.
I like moneys, lots of moneys. At the moment ive only got over a thousand moneys, but hopefully now im part of the citizenship, that will go up.
I dont like being classed a gnome because I am not one, i dont have a beard or a silly little hat, and i dont wear bright blue and red. Me and my famlies live in the mountains near Yew Crossroads, so if you ever wish to come visit me, you must tap on the second rock to the left of the cave entrance and state your name. (we only have this procedure because of orcys coming in and stealing our food.)

Well i think that summs me up. Now, who's for bread!

Title: Re: New Citizens Read This!
Post by: Izzy on August 17, 2005, 05:23:52 pm
Well ahh, here's to variety!

Title: Re: New Citizens Read This!
Post by: Seishuko on September 11, 2005, 02:25:12 pm
I'm Seishuko, I don't have any particular trade like most here do.  I can clean tables, do a few odd jobs here and there.  I've mostly come here in the hope to find a place I can call home since leaving my uncle's.  I'm able to read and write and understand several languages.

Title: Re: New Citizens Read This!
Post by: Izzy on September 12, 2005, 11:46:52 am
Hmm, well then perhaps you can work up to being a diplomat or politician with those sorts of skills! *Gasps* Just don't go after 'my' job! Whatever would I do!!?

Title: Re: New Citizens Read This!
Post by: Jessica Hawkins on September 12, 2005, 02:27:58 pm
Hello *Winks politley*
I am Jessica, and I am originally from Vesper mainland, not the small islands about.. *Shakes her head* and I am not a rebel as some would say...
My family just happend to live there...

My parents were wealty merchants who lived on they're county estate there when I was born.

At the last years I went to study from the age of Nineteen at an institute in Skara where I was taught how to read, write and the ways of the Avatar.

When I was finished with my education I journeyd back towards home where I found my Fathers estate burnt to the ground, a dear friend of my parents claimed the Local militia took possession of the lands and family wealth when they suddenly "Died" wich I think is murder of some kind..*Sighs*
Anyway...If I had been there there estate and family heritage would have been passed on to me, but now things turned out wrong..*Sighs softly*
May they rest in peace.
*Makes the sign of an ankh*

Anyway...After that I found myself a work where I was taught many ways of crafting things wich came in handy later during my life...
When I was well established again I crafted many forms of items that I sold of in exchange for big sums of gold that I used to ship in large quantities of medecine, warm fur blankets, food and other things wich  I distributed to many of the poor families around the lands, but it made me feel good about myself *Smiles*

Now I have people working for me to handle that buisness for me whilst I deal with the tavern in Cove to earn even abit more to save for my future.

That is a brief story about my life *Grins*
I am very happy with my life in Cove now, and d I hope to settle down there, grow old there, and die there.

*Signed neatly*
Jessica Hawkins

Title: Re: New Citizens Read This!
Post by: Danichta on September 12, 2005, 08:44:07 pm
Greetings to you all. My name is Danichta and I just became a serf for the goodly Baron earlier today. I'm human and about 20 years of age. I don't have any great skills but I can cook and clean as well as any other, as well as fish and hunt small game. My only hope is to live a peaceable life here and serve Cove to the best of my abilities.

Penned for Danichta by Scribe Britain.


Title: Re: New Citizens Read This!
Post by: Izzy on September 16, 2005, 07:15:10 pm
Lovely to meet you both, Jessica, if you have any knowledge of the medicines you shipped in, I'd like to speak to you about the possibility of a job...

Title: Re: New Citizens Read This!
Post by: Khaelieth on September 17, 2005, 09:59:37 pm
I'm not exactly new... But anyway, I'm the previous Trade Minister, I've got some experience with caravans, leather trade and very minor experiences with scrolls. I'm interested in making a little trading company of like-minded traders and the like.

As most know, I'm a High Elf and Delcarakdur's cousin. I'm older than most people in the Baronship, even if I look like I'm just over 20.