Title: A note falls upon the Barons desk Post by: Dellamona on January 11, 2005, 05:17:54 pm *Prestina enters the guild house, incognito, she waves her hand over the parchment and within seconds words appear. As fast as the words appeared, prestina was gone*
Dear My Lord I know i havent exactly served you well my lord, not being around when you needed me. This is why i have desided to leave. I am only a burden when it comes to fights, im only good for apearing in places no-one expects. Which is why im also giving up magic, i will pass my powers onto Dellamona, she may need them more than me. I wish The Baronship of Cove the best of luck with the future, i saw what i wanted and that was my cousins safe until the orcs had gone. I bid you all farewell, and please take good care of Dellamona for me. Signed Prestina prelalorne [OOC sorry octi i just cant cope with the magery on a moge, dellamona will use it only to mark runes for places and for when she travels to the guild house as she cant fight. this means prestina will be deleted] |