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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Vince Valentine on July 31, 2005, 12:07:04 am

Title: The Ogre Lord report
Post by: Vince Valentine on July 31, 2005, 12:07:04 am
Guardsmen attending:
 Troy (guardsman recruit)
 Corliss (guardsman recruit)
 Garund (guardsman recruit)
 Redgar (watchman)
 Arc (arcane sergeant)
 Ordentheus (desiple of the church)
 And his protector Achates

"You're in charge valentine"As the senior member there at the time, they were amoung th' first words i were te hear  were i was te hear that eve.
I had rushed te th' barracks after hearing of a hunt tha' needed adressin' to keep down th' number o' foul beasts in despise.
As we waited in line, more militia men joined our line, many of them recruits i be 'appy ta say!
So as me first time in charge, i were pretty nervous abou' leadin' th' men into battle.
As we entered th' foul stenchin' dungeon of despise, me fears were soon put te rest. The ettins an' earth eles that we were ta meet were soon put outta their misery by th' swords o' the militaia of cove.
As we battled deeper int' the wretched place, we realised that there be worst ta come. We finally stumbled upon, a sinister lookin' bridge.

(http://img321.imageshack.us/img321/7850/reportpic26wq.th.jpg) (http://img321.imageshack.us/my.php?image=reportpic26wq.jpg)

 No sooner 'ad we set eyes on it, we were marchin' across it, met by an 'orde of Ogre Lords.
We met 'em 'ead on, but soon were forced into a retreat, as most of ou' team 'ad been beaten unconcious by th' savage brutes. Fortunatly, we were aided by a kind warrior 'ho seemed ta know a lot about th' arcane.

(http://img314.imageshack.us/img314/749/reportpic1ey.th.jpg) (http://img314.imageshack.us/my.php?image=reportpic1ey.jpg)

Once we 'ad gotten back on our feet, we 'eaded south ta deeper within the ogre caves, where th' recruits and veteran militia showed their bravey.
All through th' hunt not one retreated, even when th' odds seemed stacked against us. Every one of 'em stood their ground an' did nay flinch even when faced wit' a fearsome Ogre Lord.
This turned out ta be a valuable lesson for me in the role o' the head of the team, an' i 'ope the attending members 'ad a good time also. Harrgghh!

                     Vince Valentine, Watchman

Title: Re: The Ogre Lord report
Post by: Joey Lanai on July 31, 2005, 04:14:06 pm
Good work Vince, Keep it up.

 - Arc, Arcane Sergeant

(OOC: I got a piccy to !)
