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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Gregor Eason on January 16, 2005, 07:10:44 pm

Title: Ale Delivery - Success
Post by: Gregor Eason on January 16, 2005, 07:10:44 pm
I am pleased to report that last night's ale delivery, escorted by the Baron's Militia from Yew to Cove, was a complete success.

* Ale was delivered safely to Cove.
* Bandits and other attackers were fought off.
* Attending Guardsmen/Church; Recruit Arc, Recruit Sadi, Recruit Teclus, Junior Irregular Ailric, Junior Irregular Donwin, Sergeant Shadwell, Sergeant Gry, Squire Geoffrey.
* Patrolling Guardsmen (Guardsmen who met the Delivery at Cove Borders): Recruit Luke, Junior Guardsman Sacrow, Sergeant Shadwell.

It all began at the Yew Brewery, "Ye Olde Winery", located just beside Empath Abbey. The Militia met with a senior merchant of the Brewery, named Avery Lyndon. Mr. Lyndon transferred the cargo to a selected beastmaster, which at the start was Recruit Teclus.

Recruit Teclus takes charge of the packhorses.

The merchant passed a piece of parchment to myself and bid farewell to the Covian escort. We set off at a slow march and maintained a steady group; with Junior Irregular Donwin following at the rear of the escort, and myself leading it.
In Yew we were generally safe, though kept keen eyes on the treeline. and the nearby swamp; we did not want to lose these vital provisions. The escort came to and followed Arduin's Road (a pathway designed by Rookie Guardsman Yreap of the Yew Militia), which lead us to Stonekeep, our first stopping point.

The escort travels along Arduin's Road.

Stonekeep, the outpost of the infamous Guardsmen Militia of Yew. We were met with the sight of the tall and fine citadel that stands true at the heart of Yew, and a raised platemail glove.
"Halt!" A Besieger bellowed. His colleague and himself questioned the caravan, and searched the packhorses for any contraband, as it has been known for illegal properties such as poison, and explosives, to be smuggled through Stonekeep.
A heavy tax was bestowed upon the Covian caravan, mostly due to its cargo, but was granted permission to continue its journey.

Two Yew Militia Besiegers question the caravan.

Passing through Stonekeep left a certain chill in the air, as it is greatly renowned that bandits and other vile folk stalk the roads of Yew incessantly. However, the spirit of the Covian escort was high, with the addition of a wandering gorilla who seemed to have taken a liking to the party.
The caravan went on, passing through the mysterious land of the Samurai, noticing the immaculately kept gardens and terrain.
Junior Irregular Ailric provided his services as a scout, and soon located a potential threat to the party. A suspicious man was stood alone on the Eastern Bridge of Yew, a place highly reputable for its hold ups and robbery. I ordered the caravan to push on, feeling that we had substantial numbers to ward off any brigands or monsters.
On arrival at the bridge, a man dressed in red clothing leapt out from beneath its structure.
"Stand an' deliver! Pay tribute to the Crimson Undergarments!" Courtesy took the better of me, and I decided to give this brigand a chance to repent and flee.

Eason states his terms to the brigand.

However, the man dressed in red was soon identified by the Covians as the infamous Rex Richter, known for much crime and other despicable acts in and around Cove. The order for him to be seized was given, but the bandit had other ideas. "NOW!!" The robed man seen previously before threw back his hood and let off a surge of magical energy, directed aptly at the escort. At that, another bandit leapt from beneath the bridge and engaged the guardsmen in melee combat.
The surprise had been effective in shocking the Covian party, but the superior training and numbers of the Militia escort saw to the brigands being either chased off, or knocked out.

A bounty is collected, the infamous Rex Richter is felled!

A win for the Covian escort, which also managed to release a lady who had been imprisoned by the vile brigands, and who came under swift care and concern from Church Squire Geoffrey.
The responsiblity of beastmaster was changed from Recruit Teclus, who had done a most able job, to Recruit Sadi. At that, the caravan journeyed onward, later meeting up with Sergeant Gry, who took over pointman from myself. I went on to do some long distance scouting, and eventually found myself in Cove. The rest of the journey I describe from what the guardsmen have told me.

The delivery caravan was nearing Cove, and the delight of the guardsmen could be seen on their faces, some even licking their lips at the prospect of some fresh Yew ale. They passed several abandoned guardposts, and the crossroads linking Yew with Britain and Vesper. However, a challenge from the notorious outlaws of Britannia still awaited. Continuing along the roads found the Covian escort in some unwanted territory.

Sergeant Gry reads a parchment nailed to a nearby tree.

Ye step into the territory of the Crimson Undergarments.
The Sergeant ripped up the parchment and muttered, giving the order to proceed along the road. Nay great distance was travelled until the escort was again stopped by a lone figure, who immediately sprung at the caravan; using magery to cast sinister spells upon the guardsmen.
Whilst the outlaw magician distracted the Militia escort, another outlaw made for the packhorses carrying the stock of ale.

A Guardsman Recruit leads the packhorses away from the bandit.

However, the numbers of the assaulting party were too few to match the Militia escort, and were quickly disposed of. Wondering where the caravan had been (as I was back at Cove), Sacrow and myself went in search of the delivery party, with a surprising story to hear.

A surprised Commander Eason questions the caravan.

From here on in the caravan was fairly safe, despite another minor skirmish with some random, wandering brigands who were easy to defeat.

A random skirmish with wandering brigands.

And so, the Militia escort of the ale delivery caravan came to an end. It had been a successful journey, and one that shall be remembered for many days to come. The persistant harrassment from bandits and brigands along the road has enticed the thought of a greater span of patrolling, as these hideous criminals must be brought to justice.

Delivery successful.

A fine effort all round, particularly with the new Recruits, who showed both courage and discipline in following orders, and meeting opponents in battle.

Well done.
Commander Eason

Sergeant Shadwell enjoys his bottle of ale, perhaps a little too much...