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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Kurt Alimar/Markus on August 09, 2005, 12:57:15 am

Title: Gruesome Find
Post by: Kurt Alimar/Markus on August 09, 2005, 12:57:15 am
Massacred bodies in Cove

Warning the following pictures are very gruesome and are not for the faint of heart. 

I was walking to the gates of Cove when I encountered, the massacred bodies of a little girl, an old man, a peasent, and a body of a woman.  Here is the pictures of the bodies.


I pray their souls find peace in death.


Watchman, Kurt

Title: Re: Gruesome Find
Post by: Ahmed on August 09, 2005, 12:42:34 pm
A most interesting find Watchman. We will get to the bottom of this!

Ahmed Al Maktoum,
Grenadier Corporal

Title: Re: Gruesome Find
Post by: Dasnord on August 09, 2005, 02:48:49 pm
There are suspisions that it was a act done by the undead as me and Templar Wolshelm Encountered one by the Barracks.

Signed Guardsman recruit Alexander Coenus

P.S. During this encounter we heard screams from Cove

Title: Re: Gruesome Find
Post by: Clovis on August 09, 2005, 05:25:04 pm
Well, they've certainly wasted no time taking credit for it. (http://cove.fantasyworld.nl/forum/index.php/topic,1881.msg17468.html#msg17468")  I was rather afraid this cauldron nonsense would come to violence, but our decrepit antagonists don't seem to possess much in the way of powers of reasoning.  I rather fancied I should be able to talk rings around the fleshless devils until their skulls ached, but as our dear Sergeant Greystone discovered firsthand, the dead are really only interested in one thing...


Awfully INSISTANT that it was one of our lot who purloined their precious cooking-pot, aren't they?  Preposterous accusations, of course...  Why, the only faction in the whole of the baronship who would have interest in such a doubtlessly vile thing would be the Arcane Company, and our upstanding brethren would surely never resort to such petty thievery, to say nothing of the implied heresy of the matter.  Utter delusion. One imagines a rotting brain takes its toll on the wit.  Worms, you know.

I simply wish we had more to GO on as far as this cauldron thief was concerned.  It's the key to the whole business, really.  According to my notes, we're to keep an eye out for a man, possessing a Covian uniform, with... *flips through a journal* "Lotss of flesshh on hiss bonesss."  -- That's three S's in "bonesss," by the way...  Said individual was also reported to be in possession of "eyeballs" and a reasonable quantity of hair, color unknown.

Right, well, that narrows things down a bit, doesn't it fellows?  Do report in if you happen upon anyone matching the above description, eh?  He can't hide forever with this sort of detective work at his heels!


Their story has changed more than once.  Initially, they simply accused us of harboring this thief.  Now they accuse him of being ONE of us.   Having spoken to the fiends in question, and having received little more than rasping, toothless gibberish for my pains, I find it difficult to believe this is a cognitive leap the dead are capable of blundering into of their own accord.  Indeed, I find myself unable to avoid the unpleasant sensation that someone's been nudging them in our direction...

Title: Re: Gruesome Find
Post by: Drachir on August 11, 2005, 08:13:15 pm
*looks at the sketches of the undead*

...God I hate those undead, wouldn't trust 'em further than i could throw 'em.

They cause too much trouble round Cove, they should be banished...also, what's with the hair growin' out o' their open skulls?!

Title: Re: Gruesome Find
Post by: Kurt Alimar/Markus on August 12, 2005, 01:41:31 am
I believe tha's the hair left on their skull from when they died.

Title: Re: Gruesome Find
Post by: Vandrick on August 12, 2005, 10:10:59 am
Aye,  hair keeps growing 'parantly after death, *shivers* them undead be scary, untrustworthy buggers that they are.

Title: The Couldron OOC Information
Post by: Marie on August 12, 2005, 07:48:51 pm
OOC Information: The Couldron Story

On behalf of Gaskuratt, Reaper Captain (since he cannot log on at the moment)

This story have run a bit out of tracks, since those that initially had the couldron and know the identity of the Thief have left. If you want to take up the thread (he hope so) you can contact him at ICQ 151-638-627

The thief, that is a ignorent peasent miner, found the couldron in a cave and took it home. He sold it to a miltia for 100 gold, so someone in BoC would have it 'somewhere'.

The couldron therefore is in BoC's possession. If you want to do something to/with it, you can have it from Marie. Contact Gaskuratt as above.

What you can do with it? A few ideas.

Drop it in the sea. Alas, the undeads would properly just kill more peasents as a revenge.

Destoy it, with the result as above. Perhaps. perhaps not.

Give it to someone else, and tell the undead that they have stolen it.

Give it back to the undead and to hell with it.

Etc etc..