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In Character Boards => Old Events => Topic started by: Avery Lyndon on August 09, 2005, 04:05:55 pm

Title: Farm Labour: Ploughing & Sowing - 8pm GMT, Tuesday 09/08/08
Post by: Avery Lyndon on August 09, 2005, 04:05:55 pm
Having being commissioned by the Baronship Council, a new Farm Labour operation is underway. All town folk of Cove, including guardsmen, are invited to help.
Though an official director of this operation is still to be appointed, for now all efforts shall be coordinated by a peasant, Mr. Avery Lyndon. Terribly sorry... We could find no one else.
Baronship Council

When: 8pm GMT, Tuesday
Where: Farmlands, Cove
Bring: All will be supplied! Even work clothes!

YARRR! Allo there mateys! Got a bit o' a job fer yers it seems! Now, there be a few tricks ter tha' trade, so this week we're goin' be ploughin' up tha' ground, and then sewin' some good ol' veggies in there!
'Owever, I'll do meh best ter make sure ye 'ave a bit o' fun wit' it an' learn a few things too!

Farming Operation
* Plough soil.
* Break off into Work Teams, and sow crops.
* Fertilise crops with special farming recipe.

Tha' best farm will be awarded a prize! Ten thousand crowns an' some Copper!

*signed sloppily*
Avery Lyndon,
Local Peasant, Cove