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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Vandrick on August 10, 2005, 12:09:27 pm

Title: Patrol Report
Post by: Vandrick on August 10, 2005, 12:09:27 pm
Patrol of Graveyard
10/08/05    11:30am

Leader: Watchman Garand
Present: Recruit Troy
              Recruit Vandrick
              Recruit Fenix

Starting from the Barracks we were aproached by a 'uge spider that got us of to an 'ard start, after a lil' discussion we 'eaded for the graveyard ter slay the monsters there.
(http://img359.imageshack.us/img359/2483/graveyardpatrolone9fa.jpg) (http://imageshack.us)
After some monsters escaped from the gates and attacked us before we arrived properly one recruit fell but was helped up and the battle continued against lich, ghouls an' zombies, the usual graveyard rabble..
(http://img356.imageshack.us/img356/796/graveyardpatroltwo8au.jpg) (http://imageshack.us)
After a small congratulations from the leader we all 'eaded back to them Barracks for a lil' spar and a sit well earned sit down!
(http://img298.imageshack.us/img298/558/graveyardpatrolfour1si.jpg) (http://imageshack.us)
Signed: Recruit Vandrick

Title: Re: Patrol Report
Post by: Althalus on August 10, 2005, 07:55:13 pm
*points to the patrols thread and coughs* what ye think thats for, decoration?

Title: Re: Patrol Report
Post by: Gregor Eason on August 11, 2005, 02:47:25 am
Note: Logging your patrol is not considered a report. It is merely for administrative purposes.

The original purpose of the Patrolling Log was just to be a simple administrative tool. But alas, people got the wrong idea, except this chap *smirk*
But I think we'll now just keep it as it is. Allow full reports on Patrols to be stored in there; why nay? Less confusing that way.

If its more than just a few words (i.e. not just the time, date, and location of the Patrol), then it shall be counted as a Report.

Good report, Recruit Vandrick.

Commander Eason,
Cove Militia & Baronship Council

Title: Re: Patrol Report
Post by: Vandrick on August 11, 2005, 09:41:48 am
Thank ya' sah, i did also log the report in the patrol log, but thort this too long ter put in thar..

Signed: Recruit Vandrick

Title: Re: Patrol Report
Post by: Drachir on August 11, 2005, 08:01:10 pm
*starts to read the report and grins*

Har! Well done Vendrick on ye' report, and congratulations to Garand for this was the first patrol he has lead!

Junior Guardsman Drachir