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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Jevonia on August 11, 2005, 01:53:46 pm

Title: *a new citizen joins the Baronship*
Post by: Jevonia on August 11, 2005, 01:53:46 pm
Greetings!  'Meh name is Levon, and i 'ave just joined yer fine City of Cove. Although i may look like a mere peasant right now, i plan on sharpening meh skills in the arts so that i can craft the finest of wares.  After that i plan on just sittin back and countin  meh gold everyday!
I've already set up shop with Banedon and Draco, who were so kind as to give meh a room in their shop! And a fine shop it 'tis-  a waterfront property located on the southern coastline of Cove. We 'ave hired Covian guards who sell our wares and stand guard 24 hours a day,  so come check us out.

*Counts his gold and laughs histerically*,

                                 ^^live long and prosper^^ 

Title: Re: *a new citizen joins the Baronship*
Post by: Banedon on August 11, 2005, 03:39:22 pm
Aye, a hard faced haggler ye be too.

ZERO Rent ???

Ye jus sit back an admire your ruddy gold, while me and the old fart upstairs go broke *Mutters*. Ruddy women....

*coughs* Sorry Miss Izzy, me no be meanin ye..
*grovels* May the blessins o' tha Avatar be on ye Miss Izzy

The soon to be broke.... Banedon.

Title: Re: *a new citizen joins the Baronship*
Post by: Jevonia on August 11, 2005, 03:46:19 pm
If ye git to work makin and stockin, 'stead of sittin 'round fartin, ye too can prosper!

               ^^live long and prosper^^

Title: Re: *a new citizen joins the Baronship*
Post by: Banedon on August 11, 2005, 03:48:30 pm
Spoke' like a true lassie.....

Ye sure we didnae get married, and ye 'ave nae told us ?

Title: Re: *a new citizen joins the Baronship*
Post by: Izzy on August 11, 2005, 03:50:21 pm
*giggles* Seems like you'll have quite a handful with her, my blessings on your union.

Title: Re: *a new citizen joins the Baronship*
Post by: Jevonia on August 11, 2005, 03:55:00 pm
Arrg!!  I be a man i tell ye!  you must be talkin about meh sister "Ja'taera".   She also has moved in upstairs and has a hired vendor, but theres been no mention of a union with the old fart!


Title: Re: *a new citizen joins the Baronship*
Post by: Banedon on August 11, 2005, 04:04:19 pm
*rubs eyes* Damn'd soot in ma eyes again.

Ye be a man ? 
Really ?
I wuz sure ye be a lassie...  Thats it, nae more drinkin on tha job fer me....

*goes off to sober up*

Title: Re: *a new citizen joins the Baronship*
Post by: Avery Lyndon on August 12, 2005, 01:17:33 am
Welcome ter Cove, mateh!
Tha' name's Lyndon, Avery Lyndon.
Good wit' a pick, superb wit' an axe!

Avery Lyndon,
Peasant's Union