Title: Covian Baths: NAY Recruits! 7pm GMT, Friday 12/08/05 Post by: Avery Lyndon on August 11, 2005, 11:55:30 pm When: 7pm GMT, TONIGHT
Where: City Of Cove Bring: Ye Bathin' Togs! Note: Hosted alongside Recruit Cadre. (http://img264.echo.cx/img264/8432/plaguecleanse2av.jpg) Tha' Baronship Council has asked one o' tha' Citizenship ter construct a grand selection o' Baths for ye stinky lot! Be ye Militia or Citizen, take tha' time to stop by meh fine creation, an' scrub up!'Owever, t'is hosted alongside tha' Recruit Cadre - so all ye Recruits will 'ave ter stink jus' tha' little bit more! Haw haw! *sloppily signed* Avery Lyndon, Peasant's Union |