Title: Found at Sea Post by: Banedon on August 12, 2005, 11:05:18 am * In a panicked state, Banedon dries himself off, throws down his fishing rod and grabs a quill and scroll, writing furiously *
Miss Izzy I woke this morn' figurin I wud ave me sum fish for me brekkie. So i grabbed me fishin rod, cleer'd the ropes off the boat, and set sail off the coast o' Cove. Ere ah wuz quietly having a wee fish and gen'rally mindin me own business, when low an behold, I fishes up a load o ruddy bottles wi' wee scraps of paper in em. (http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y194/ByronWolfshelm/fish2.jpg) I opens the wee bottles, unrolls the damp paper carefully, and I find a load of notes scribbled on em and they all read similar to this un: "To whoever finds this bottle, please help us... We are the crew of a ship transporting grain from Britian to Magincia, but we have been attacked by serpents off the coast of Cove. We have despatched the Serpents, but we are taking on water, and ther may be more serpents about. Please help us before it is too late" Well, ill be buggered Miss, if ahm going out there, if there be serpents about. But then I cannae elp but feel sorry for em buggers on the ships. P'raps if we ‘ad enuff people there to elp keep em serpents off o me, we could all go out and form a rescue ? What ye think Miss ? If ye be interested, come down to me shoppe and ill get me boat ready, and then p'raps we can form a rescue mission for these poor unfortunate buggers. Banedon Title: Re: Found at Sea Post by: Izzy on August 12, 2005, 11:19:40 am Ralley People of cove to save these poor unfortunates!! List your name here if your available to help these souls safely back to land, but be quick, they don't have much time!!
Title: Re: Found at Sea Post by: Avery Lyndon on August 12, 2005, 11:47:26 am Roar!
I'll 'elp ma'am! Ba' shouldn't we call in tha' Militia too? Avery Lyndon, Peasant's Union |