Title: Covian Baths! Post by: Avery Lyndon on August 12, 2005, 11:55:21 am I invite ye all ter tha' Covian Baths! Which I'll be constructin' later terday!
There'll be a Main Bath, a Soap Bath, a Hot Bath, an' a Cold Bath! As well as lots o' Ale an' Food on tha' side! Should be grand way ter get yeselves scrubbed up an' smellin' good! Orders o' the' Baronship o' course! Come to tha' City o' Cove at 7pm GMT, Friday! Avery Lyndon, Peasant's Union Title: Re: Covian Baths! Post by: Banedon on August 12, 2005, 12:17:16 pm Yer need 'elp mate ?
I can always lend me carpentry assitance to ye if yer be needin it... In the very least, I can 'old a light for ye * mutters about a guard on a horse * Anyways, if ye be needin a hand, give us a pidgeon and Ill bring me tools. *signed* Banedon Title: Re: Covian Baths! Post by: Banedon on August 12, 2005, 12:22:30 pm I guess I can help ye too. *tips cap*
I can always help out by serving the food and ale. If the recruits are all on trainin, and the rest o the guards is bathin, no sod will be at the tavern, so I might as well come on over. * suddenly becomes aware of militia having women, bathing, out of uniform* Let me know if I can help, please please please...... *signed* Gallyn of Cymru Title: Re: Covian Baths! Post by: Avery Lyndon on August 12, 2005, 02:50:27 pm Aye matey! I can knock a few boards tergether, ba' perhaps ye advanced carpentry skills can be o' more benefit!
Plus, I be thinkin' o' hostin' some sort o' ale an' food stall beside tha' Baths, so we could 'ave another Peasant man that too! Title: Re: Covian Baths! Post by: Banedon on August 12, 2005, 05:19:58 pm Grand...
Ill get crackin on em requirements ye give me. *signed* Banedon |