Title: Checkin' up on covetous Post by: Vince Valentine on August 13, 2005, 08:17:18 am It were early when i woke that morn, so early tha' the birds 'ad barely begun singin'.
I checked abou' the barracks, an' found i were th' only person awake at tha' hour. I sat meself down, lookin' out o' the barracks window when i noticed an 'arpy wanderin' aroun' like it owned the place. This got me thinkin' there 'ad been alo' more o' them winged wenches abou' lately, so i decided ta go an' investigate. I prepared meself, an' 'eaded off te covetous. As i arrived, i shouted 'em a little warnin' and marched on in. (http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/6133/covetous24ox.jpg) As i passed the towers of flame, i came te where th' 'arpys we're lurkin' and set abou' me buisness of lowering their population a bi' . It were all goin' fine, when a bloody great stone 'arpy lunged at me, 'ittin' me 'ard! (http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/7427/covetous47ta.jpg) Once i'd gotten me breath back, i 'it 'er back even 'arder! As i carried on deeper, i found meself face te face with a spider as big as i was! (http://img75.imageshack.us/img75/8171/covetous55uu.jpg) 'e tried te run, bu' i soon gave showed 'im the might of the militia, and filled 'im full of arrows. Satisfied tha' there were nothing unusual goin' on in th' dungeon, i 'eaded back to the barracks te get some breakfast. I'll be keepin' a close eye on tha' dungeon tha's fer sure. *signed* Vince Valentine Watchman |