Title: Militia Training (Report) Post by: Kal/Mathew on August 13, 2005, 06:53:10 pm Militia Training on Following Orders
Barracks Roof 13/08/05-- 19:00 GMT Led By: Regukar Guardsman: Kal ShadowHand Attended By: Watchman: Vince Valentine Guardsman Recruit: Erik Arkay Guardsman Recruit: James Moris Witch Hunter: Karad Helmguard The Training was set on about people nay followen orders. I 'ad them loin up an' I then asked them ef aneh one coul' tell meh wha' coul' 'appen ef someone ran from 'is 'ealing group. Several raised thar 'ands bu' et was James Moris I le' answer. 'e said tha' the group or the one tha' ran coul' be indanger. Aye tha' was indeed a goo' answer, I was mos' impressed by 'im answering tha' question. I ran them through some simple orders this toim bu' nex' toim they will be drilled on awl the orders o' the Command. (http://img181.imageshack.us/img181/176/militiatraining9qb.jpg) (OOC) The hunt was cancled due to me having a stomache Virus (http://img352.imageshack.us/img352/6255/kalshadowhand9hb.jpg) |