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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Kal/Mathew on August 14, 2005, 02:04:24 am

Title: A Unsightly Grave in Cove
Post by: Kal/Mathew on August 14, 2005, 02:04:24 am
I awaken from meh slumber an' the 'eaded ta cove ta see ef aneh one was abou' I seen nay one at the Barracks so I 'eaded ta Cove ta see ef em be thar. On the way I was met by a Troll tha' seemed los' so I showed em the roit way ta go wit the point o' meh short spear. I made et ta the Gates o'Cove an' proceeded through an came upon the strange grave nay far from the Guards Post.


Nex' ta each Grave thar was a note so I read the firs' one an' et said,

An' the second one said,

I thin' we are en need ta cleans the Covian area o' awl them undead deadites. 'ow es the town o' Cove goin' ta look ta us fer protection ef we can nay put a stop o' this. The Killing o' the inocent Coveian folks will be a bad one ef we nay stop et.
These bastards thin' we stole thar Cauldren, an' we nay 'ave aneh use fer thar vile thin's. Now Guardsman Recruit foun' a Cauldren ou' side o' brit abandand an' brought et ta meh I now 'old et till them contact meh ta see ef et es thars. Thar was a note left at thar temple bu' i guess a thief too' et before them go' thar. So now I be loo'en fer someone triing ta set us up as an excape goat.
Commander we need ta der somethin' an somethin' NOW ser. Please tal' ta the Baron an see wha' 'e says. I 'ope tha' 'e request tha' we stowm them for I know where thar village es.


Title: Re: A Unsightly Grave in Cove
Post by: Gregor Eason on August 14, 2005, 02:11:41 am
Innocent Covians murdered?! Won't do. Won't do at all!

Stole their cauldron, did we? Want it back? Do they?!
Well, they shall have it.

Stuffed down their gruesome throats till their bones shatter!

Commander Eason,
Cove Militia & Baronship Council

Title: Re: A Unsightly Grave in Cove
Post by: Marie on August 14, 2005, 10:06:13 am
Well. It seem, that four to five peasent got murdered this time and a guardsmen from Yew too.

Some other Guardsmen of Yew were there and made quite a fuss over it, thinking they could walk around and pretend they were commanders. Some nerve. They did not like the recruit enough to take him back with them to Yew, so they left him here. Thats nay the way to treat a loyal soldier in my eyes.

As a small comfert, we did knock one of their wytches. If its dead I do nay know, as the bones left on the ground behaved kind of weird and oozed away. We burned what were left. We also digged a grave for the poor peasents as best we could, and lay them to rest. May the Gods bring their souls comfort!
