Title: Grenadier's Trials: Junior Lanai Post by: Ahmed on August 15, 2005, 06:03:34 pm Right after the promotions parade, and after seeing Watchman Lanai receive the Covian cap, Ahmed limps over to the slightly-more-pleased Junior. He rummages around his belt and pulls out a paper and hands it him. The Junior fully understood what it was straight off, nodded and walked off…
Junior Lanai! You’ve finally received your well deserved Covian cap. Wear it with pride lad. Here’s your chance to prove to the Baron how much you are actually capable of, and I’m sure you will –not- let him down! You have three tasks!
Everything is to be documented in this thread, with full reports for each, including sketches. Ahmed Al Maktoum, Grenadier Sergeant (Acting) Title: Re: Grenadier's Trials: Junior Lanai Post by: Joey Lanai on August 26, 2005, 03:15:22 pm Grenadier Trials, Part 1
The Poison Elementals Joey woke and staggered into the Barracks to check his duty roster, atlast the time had come for him to start his training toward becoming a Grenadier ! He checked his timepiece and looked at the first task, "Defeat two Poison elementals" Joey thought to himself for a moment, what the hell is a poison elemental but then it struck his puny mind, ofcourse! if was all so simple now, an elemental of poison! Joey got himself into town and started asking around about these so called poison elementals, he stumbled accross a traveling Mage from Moonglow who informed him of where the creatures dwell and soon enough Joey foundhimself in a dark cavern. "Where the bloodi' 'ell?" Joey thought to himself as he took his arms from his back, he moved through the cave only to hear a faint howling, before he knew it he was engaged in a fight with one of the elementals, it struck hard at his shield but Joey managed to break past its defenses and win. (http://premium1.uploadit.org/searlejr//poison.JPG) Joey Completes his Task *Signed* - Joey Lanai, Junior Guardsman Title: Re: Grenadier's Trials: Junior Lanai Post by: Ahmed on August 26, 2005, 06:15:05 pm Arribah! Exceptional work on slaying those two pests. Let's see you get those other tasks done eh?
Grenadier Sergeant Maktoum, Cove Militia & Cove Administration Title: Re: Grenadier's Trials: Junior Lanai Post by: Joey Lanai on September 01, 2005, 04:25:46 pm Grenadier Trials, Part 2a
Recruiting in Britain Joey looked at his duty roster, "Hrm.. Recruitment, i's never done tha' before" he thought to himself but never the less he was determined to complete this task. He gathered up some men, - Kal Shadowhand, Regular Scout - Erik Arkay, Watchman - Hito, Guardsman Recruit - Ronin, Guardsman Recruit The next phase was ready to begin, Joey packed up his crates and head off to the city of Britain in search of fresh blood, the Recruit's waddled behind carrying books and leaflets to be handed out. We marched around the town, handed out books to some keen looking people and set up a stall before leaving for home, another job done ! (http://premium1.uploadit.org/searlejr//brit-recruiting.JPG) *Signed* - Joey S. Lanai, Junior Guardsman Title: Re: Grenadier's Trials: Junior Lanai Post by: Joey Lanai on September 01, 2005, 04:48:56 pm Grenadier Trials, Part 3
Hunt To Ilshenar Another day, another duty to complete, today Joey was to lead a hunt to the lands of Ilshenar and gather ATLEAST 20,000 Gold for the Grenadiers. Joey sent out pigeons to all the men who were awake and after a short while, some men gathered at the barracks, one being an Arcanist, today would be an easy day for transport. The men stppeed through a few moongates before they found themselves at the shrine of Sacrifice, the men lined up and Joey made sure they all had what they needed, bandages, bedrolls the lot, once they were ready, a chant wa syelled before they begun setting off into the unknown. (http://premium1.uploadit.org/searlejr//Ilshenar1.JPG) The Men shortly came across a cave surrounded by ratmen, what was it they were guarding? Joey had to find out ! The men spread out and began hacking down the ratmen, before they knew it there was no rat beast left standing within sight, the men cheered and followed Joey into the Cave. Inside the cave were more ratmen, this time these were workers but that didnt matter, Joey gave the order and the ratmen were slaughtered one by one, the ratmen tried using their conjured elementals to defeat the group but their efforts were in vain, the Guardsmen fought their way through the cave and into the deepest, darkest cave of them all. The unit split into three pairs, healing pairs to face off the upcoming beast and once everyone had prepared, they headed into the cavern of the Bone Dragon. (http://premium1.uploadit.org/searlejr//Ilshenar2.JPG) The Battle was long and hard but eventually the Guardsmen were the victors, the men grabbed the spils of victory from the gold piles surrounding the area and then headed off to the next location, the temple of the Guardians ! The men were led through woodland, across pixie filled fields, and into a cavern full of spiders. They bravely managed to battle their way through the cave, defeating many of the golden beasts that dwell in the lands of Ilshenar before eventually reaching the runic gate to the island, after hurtling a recruit through to test the safety, the group headed through to the desert island. Joey was determined to defeat these beast this day, and they entered the temple courtyard, un-aware of the danger before them. (http://premium1.uploadit.org/searlejr//ilshenar3.JPG) They were sprung upon by many guardians of the temple, "FORM UP !" was yelled and the men fell into possition, back to back with eachother fighting off the beasts, axes hacked, arrows flew and spells were weaved as the battle drew on for what seemed like forever un til eventually, the Guardsmen were Victorious, abother victory for Cove ! ----------------------------------- Attendance - Julius Estory, Regular Arcanist - Kal Shadowhand, Regular Scout - Joey Lanai, Junior Guardsman (Leading) - Vince Valentine, Junior Guardsman - Erik Arkay, Watchman - James Morris, Watchman - Killian (Civilian) Loot Gold: 31,958 20,000 to the Grenadiers 11,958 to the Militia (Roleplay Trophies Joey Collected) Tooth of a Bone Dragon Head of a Guardian ----------------------------------- *Signed* - Joey S. Lanai, Junior Guardsman |