Title: Magincia Ferry - 7pm GMT Tuesday, 16/08/05
Post by: Avery Lyndon on August 16, 2005, 11:56:34 am
(http://img234.imageshack.us/img234/7442/ferry3co.jpg) | When: 7pm GMT, TONIGHT Where: Docks, Cove Bring: Travelling Gear!
Allo mateys! Meh'll be organisin' a lil' trip ter Magincia this evenin', an' yer all welcome ter join! 'Opefully tha' Baron will care ter attend too, as we might be able ter get tha' Magincia officials ter provide some sort o' formal reception then! So come o'er to tha' Docks at tha' said time, an' travel ter tha' exotic city o' Magincia!
Avery Lyndon, Peasant's Union |