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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Calico on August 17, 2005, 03:00:03 am

Title: Church Burning
Post by: Calico on August 17, 2005, 03:00:03 am
It took every bit of will power Kate could muster to crawl out of her bunk. Her odd nightly patrols had taken their toll at first but she was actually quite used to only getting four or so hours of sleep a night. It wasn't the lack of sleep that made it so hard, nor a lack of purpose. She knew her place in the world now and had finally started to enjoy it. Grief was what was wearing the fair haired woman down.

Slow tickles of rage had been building in Kate mind since Sunday's Mass. The guardswoman was just as helpless to do any thing about it now as she had been when she found Owens limp body on the ground in front of the church. Slowly getting up, and dressing quietly, she bored down on the anger once more. After a time the anger did fade, leaving her feeling all the more hopeless, allowing the sadness to wash over her unbidden.

Bit by bit since her arrival to Cove the Templars and other church officials had made her life miserable. Kate was no fool, she wasn't brash or ignorant enough to challenge the church directly, knowing full well they only needed an excuse to burn her. She saw what happened after the Commander led a revolt, she had seen what had happened to elves for being defiant... she'd seen Ryan shoved off the barracks steps for just being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Don't be stupid, your one little woman, you couldn't even take one Templar down, much less do any thing to harm the church as a whole... don't waste your effort risking your life.

These oft' repeated thoughts occupied her mind as she crept down the barracks steps in the sill of the night.. unfortunately they hadn't quite sunk in yet as she reached the lawn. There standing between her and the rest of the world was the massive stone walls of the hated church. That tiny flicker of rage flared and she stood rooted to the spot.

So I can't kill them all in their sleep... but how are they going to shove people off of a roof if there is no roof to shove from?

A twisted bitter laugh echoed across the lawn as Kate slunk off.

It didn't take much, she started piling logs around the outside of the church.... then quietly slunk in to make small pyre in each of the pews. She drug in bales of straw, old crates from the docks, cluttering the hall and rooms above with things that burn nicely. On her way out she knocked over the torches one, by one... making sure they caught the tinder before she continued on her way out.

Smoke and the smells of burning filled the darkness even before the flames could be seen from the narrow slit windows. Kate stayed in the shadows watching... waiting for any monks sleeping with in to start their screaming.

Title: Re: Church Burning
Post by: Calico on August 20, 2005, 08:54:44 pm
*bumps because it's still current and people keep asking confused questions*