Title: Grenadier's Training - 6pm GMT, TONIGHT! 19/08/05 Post by: Ahmed on August 19, 2005, 11:55:55 am Want to become a Grenadier? Then attend this training session hosted by none other than our Commander Eason, which includes a three stage grueling stages of intense training. Remember! The Grenadier's Trials and this training session are both mandatory for promotion!
When: 6pm GMT SHARP!, TONIGHT! Where: Rally outside the barracks Bring: Heavy armour, weapons, bandages, your strength and your gonads Expected Attendances: * Anari, Junior Guardsman * Judas Deibeau, Junior Guardsman * Kurt, Junior Guardsman * Vince Valentine, Junior Guardsman Faliure to attend may jeprodise chances to become a Grenadier! Be there or remain a Guardsman! Be there or don't become a Grenadier! Ahmed Al Maktoum, Grenadier Sergeant (Acting) |