Title: Accepting a new apprentice Post by: Grief Dryfh Gry on August 20, 2005, 06:54:24 pm *A roughly written note is displayed hanging on the barracks wall*
Ya'ya, tha'grief is accepting a new apprentice. Look'wha' Ryan Greystone, my former apprentice is now at! Tha'could be you'foo', so jus' the first name displayed in tha'little square drawn box on 'tis paper will be my next apprentice. Signed, Grief Dryfh Gry, Senior Guardsman Guardian of the Rage of Raaz Medal Title: Re: Accepting a new apprentice Post by: Anari/Gareck Hallows on August 21, 2005, 09:36:27 am *Slowly begins to write... unsure of whether he'll get a beating or just a plain knee in the groin for what he is about to write...*
I... woul' loik teh become yer apprentise Ser, 'owever... I think, as a sign of respec' an' courtesy, if Ryan does return from wherever 'E is... *Mutters* ...tha' I once again become 'is aprentice... it is much to ask, bu' I 'ope ye'll consider it. (http://img395.imageshack.us/img395/1599/45thpressup6zf.jpg) Anari working hard in training... I do think I woul' benifi' "Greatly" from yer trainin', an' only 'ope I come ou' t' end of it 'alf as good as ye. I woul' work 'ard an' foller yer every whim. *Scribbled in brackets* (Even ge' t' odd ale.) I woul' only show ye honour, repec' an' honesty. (http://img395.imageshack.us/img395/2415/situpcrossfingers5aa.jpg) Anari finishing the note... I 'ope ye will think it through.... *Signed* Anari, Junior Guardsman Covian Millitia. Anari Bahan... Title: Re: Accepting a new apprentice Post by: Grief Dryfh Gry on August 21, 2005, 02:14:07 pm *Written in quick letters*
Accepted |